While 2024 provided us with rare glimpses of deepfakes, voice clones, and AI-generated phishing scams, it was merely “training wheels” for fraudsters as they tested the waters. It’s 2025 which is now poised to become the year AI scams become a dominant force in draining fintech and bank accounts.
Balancing AI's Promise and Risks in Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity and the current skills gap
Even with increased automation, an organization’s cybersecurity strategy is only as strong as its employees. According to a Fortinet report, 84% of surveyed security leaders experienced one or more breaches in the past 12 months, up from 80% in 2021. Twenty-nine percent had five or more intrusions versus 19% the previous year, and 48% suffered breaches in the past 12 months that cost more than $1 million to remediate, up from 38% in 2021.
Is Cyber Liability Insurance Sufficient Coverage for All Cyber Risks?
Key Cybersecurity Tools That Can Mitigate the Cost of a Breach
IBM's 2023 installment of their annual "Cost of a Breach" report has thrown up some interesting trends. Of course, breaches being costly is no longer news at this stage! What's interesting is the difference in how organizations respond to threats and which technologies are helping reduce the costs associated with every IT team's nightmare scenario.